Note: This policy has been provided by the Baby Bank Alliance as an EXAMPLE ONLY. Please do not copy this policy directly for your own baby bank. Every organisation is different and each policy will need to be written to meet your baby bank’s needs and operations.
See also: Writing a Complaints Policy
[Org Name] Complaints Policy
[Org Name] is committed to helping the people of (Place) and their children. We do this by maintaining high standards across all aspects of our work. However, we recognise that there is always the possibility that we may fail to meet those high standards that we set for ourselves.
If you have a complaint:
Should you feel that [Org Name] has not lived up to its standards or something has happened that you wish to complain about, then please let us know as soon as possible.
If we do not know about a problem, we cannot begin to resolve it for you and take action to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
In particular, as a children’s organisation, we take child protection extremely seriously. If you have any concerns about the behaviour of one of [Org Name]’s staff, volunteers, or beneficiaries in any situation, it is vital that you tell us about it immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.
All complaints are dealt with by [appropriate member of staff name/trustees]
How to contact us:
You can email us at:
You can also write to us at:
What we will do on receiving your complaint:
- We’ll listen, record your complaint and advise you how it will be handled.
- We will forward your complaint to the appropriate staff member or trustee, who will investigate the complaint, listening to all staff, volunteers, children and families affected or involved.
- If the complaint involves a member of staff or volunteer, this person will have the opportunity to express their point of view, accompanied by a friend. We will not divulge the name of the person who has made the complaint during an investigation unless you give us permission to do so.
- We’ll take action to resolve the problem and tell you what that action is.
- We’ll take steps to avoid a repeat occurrence or if necessary exclude a person/persons from [Org Name]
- Any decision to exclude a person from the organisation due to discriminatory or harassing behaviour will be made in reference to [Org Name] constitution and employment policies.
- At all times we will treat you with understanding and respect. We ask that you do the same for our staff and volunteers.
- Confidential information in relation to your complaint will be handled sensitively.
- We are not able to respond to anonymous complaints.
- We cannot deal with matters for which [Org Name] is not directly responsible unless it involves a child protection or safeguarding issue, where the appropriate agencies shall be notified.
Complaint response times
We would appreciate your understanding that, with limited resources, we cannot always respond to your complaint immediately. However, we will act as promptly as we can.
You will receive an initial acknowledgement and/or response within five working days of receipt of your complaint and we expect to resolve most problems in that time.
Where a more in-depth investigation is required, we aim to provide a full response within 20 working days. If there are exceptional circumstances, where that is not possible, we will advise you.
What constitutes a complaint?
We regard a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of [Org Name], that is under the control of the organisation, its staff or volunteers.
What if our response does not satisfy you?
If you are not happy with our response, please let us know and your complaint will be reviewed by the Trustee board.
[Name & Role]
Review Date: [Date]