Evidence of need 

Providing evidence of the need you’re seeking to address is a crucial part of any funding application. In a recent training session, Get Grants said this section can be double or even triple scored compared to rest of a funding application. 

Once you have compelling and robust evidence – how you use it is key. Here’s a few points to bear in mind: 

Before we get to the examples, we’d like to say a huge thanks to the baby bank community who helped to put this list together. If you have any additional sources of evidence, please contact us: [email protected]

Examples of useful evidence

  • Children living in poverty 
  • Children on free school meals 
  • Accidents for under 5s 
  • Baby deaths – potentially caused by not having a safe space to sleep 
  • Index of Multiple Deprivation 

Internal data 

What information do you have? We have a few guides on how to track you impact: https://babybankalliance.org/for-baby-banks/resources-for-members/resource-library/?category=impact-monitoring  

External evidence 

Further reading 

Inspiring Impact was a project aimed of increasing the impact of charities and social enterprises. You may find some of their learnings useful: